General information

You can find all the useful information you need here for smooth holiday planning and a perfect stay with us at Hotel Sommerhof.

Cancellation fees & cancellation insurance:
It is not as uncommon as you think to have to cancel the holiday you've booked or cut it short. The General Terms and Conditions for the Hotel Industry apply here.


Our general cancellation policy:

You can cancel free of charge up to 3 months before arrival. We charge you 40% of the holiday price between 3 months and 1 month before arrival. From 1 month up to 1 week before arrival the cancellation fee is 70% of the holiday price. If you cancel within the last week before arrival or do not arrive we charge 90% of the holiday price and if you have to leave early 100% of the price. We would like to save you these unnecessary costs and associated inconveniences and therefore recommend that you take out insurance for cancellation, early departure and rescue (including helicopter rescue) with Hotelstorno Plus or the comprehensive Hotelstorno Premium insurance (including accident benefits).

You can insure yourself straight away here: European Travel Insurance.

In the event of cancellation we charge cancellation costs in accordance with AGBH


Everything you need to know:
Non-smoking hotel, children's raets based on two full-paying guests, single room supplement for the "Rotmoos or Tannenwald" double room €30 per day, New Year's Eve supplement per person € 120,-  - chirldren from 3 years till 14,9 years cost € 60,00


Fixed booking:
We request that a deposit of 30% of the booked room price is paid into our account – Raika Gosau 310 193 sort code 34545, IBAN: AT 693454500000310193 BIC: RZOOAT2L545 or Sparkasse Salzkammergut IBAN: AT 782031400700200199 Bic: SKBIAT21XXX


Please transfer the remaining amount for the room price into the aforementioned account 1 week before your arrival. You can pay the hotel bill (drinks, massages, local taxes, etc.) when you leave in cash or with Mastercard, Visa or EC debit card.


Arrival and departure:
You will be able to use your room from 3.00 p.m. on the day of arrival and up to 10.00 a.m. on the day of departure. The Sommerhof sunny board starts with coffee & cake in the afternoon on your day of arrival and ends with breakfast on your day of departure.


If you book bed and breakfast we deduct € 10 per day/adult.


We kindly ask you to leave your pets at home.


Local taxes:
€ 3.00 per day/person, children up to 15 years of age free


Opening hours:

Summerseason 24: 08.05. - 03.11.2024

Winterseason 24/25: 12.12.2024 - 23.03.2025

Summerseason 25: 04.05. - 02.11.2025